View the official Call for Submissions on InterAccess’s website.
DEADLINE: MARCH 22ND, 2023 at 11:59PM EST
You are standing in a line that bends and curves. You reach the front of the line and lean your body against the service desk; a moment of rest. The clerk greets you curtly, you smile back. She asks for your name, your email, your date of birth, and your place of residence. You comply. She asks for your phone number. “I don’t have one right now.” Your request cannot be processed without one. “But I don’t have a phone.” A long moment passes. The line leading to her desk is still bending and curving. You make something up, the computer accepts it, your request has been processed and you await results in the coming 10 business days.
Mitra Fakhrashrafi, Vector Festival 2023 Flagship Curator
Vector Festival 2023’s flagship exhibition, shadow work, engages the formal and informal and mundane and arcane ways that classification systems attempt to contain the messy realities of our lives and shape our conditions. Confronting the work that both maintains and disrupts these systems, shadow work presents interventions on labour, the calculability of human life, the ungovernable, the echoes and reverberations of colonization and propositions for new, “life-giving” languages. Cue to SZA’s “Ghost in the Machine” (2022), “I need humanity”.
Anecdote adapted from an experience with a US tax preparer, recounted by Martha Lampland and Susan Leigh Star in Standards and their Stories (2009).