July 14-24, 2022
Vector Festival 2022: Glitch centres around the enticing, joyous, infinite possibilities offered by glitch. Drawing inspiration from Legacy Russell’s Glitch Feminism the festival considers glitch as a necessary, protective force for interrupting the machinic workings of patriarchy, capitalism, and racism. Counterintuitively, through its multitudinal ruptures and refusals, glitch becomes a generative site for envisioning new ways of existing beyond current sociopolitical operating systems.
Through a hybrid online and in-person program of exhibitions, performances, screenings, workshops, talks, and community events, Vector Festival 2022: Glitch invited artists and audiences to come together in celebration of failure and all its potentials.
Over 10 days, many artists and curators participated in our multi-venue programming, which included:
2 exhibitions
2 screenings
1 panel discussions
1 live performance, and
3 workshops.
Vector Festival is a participatory and community-oriented initiative dedicated to showcasing digital games and creative media practices. Presenting works across a dynamic range of exhibitions, screenings, performances, lectures, and workshops, Vector acts as a critical bridge between emergent digital platforms and new media art practice. The festival was founded in 2013 as the “Vector Game Art & New Media Festival” by an independent group of artists and curators: Skot Deeming, Clint Enns, Christine Kim, and Katie Micak, who were later joined by Diana Poulsen and Martin Zeilinger.
Links to Exhibitions and Events:
EXHIBITION: Machine Bodies (Is Cyborg Good or Evil?) -
EXHIBITION: STYLY Presents: Augmented Reality Showcase at BIG on Bloor -
EXHIBITION: The air we share -
SCREENING: A body as a fault in the system, in a system of faults -
SCREENING: The Glitch as a Remix -
PERFORMANCE: Another Life -
EVENT: Machine Bodies – Discussion Panel -
EVENT: Game & Hardware Jam -
EVENT: Festival Launch Party & Opening Reception -
WORKSHOP: Keeping it Strange -
WORKSHOP: Psychedelia VJ: Experiments in TouchDesigner -
WORKSHOP: Mapping for Open-source Investigation