Luna, 2020

Friday, July 19, 2020

Luna breaks down the distinction between performer and audience member in a live-streamed user-driven concert experience. In a time when physical distancing measures have interrupted experiences of art and live music, Luna examines the possibilities for connection and shared experiences in this interactive and abstract virtual environment. In this piece, a dark space is activated with light and colour through audio-reactive generative visuals. Using commands in Twitch chat, the audience can sample audio recorded from the unQuartet, a Toronto-based improvising string trio, creating a real-time collaborative audio visual experience.

The work consists of four 22-minute sessions: Allegro Ma Non Troppo, Adagio-esque, Rondo (or not), and Allegroish-ish. Audience members may control the sounds played in each session using the commands listed below. Each command will play a different musical gesture. Enter these commands into the Twitch live stream chat (including the hashtag) to create an audio-visual medley.
Please note that participants must be logged into Twitch to use the chat feature.


Work by:
Ping Interactive (Meghan Cheng)
Cheryl O