February 21-24, 2013
Exhibition curated by Prosthetic Knowledge and mrghosty
Other Worlds addresses digital spaces as procedural landscapes. Rather than creating games where prescribed routes and narratives directing player movement and action, the works of Other Worlds position the player as a digital flaneur; free to move anywhere within these worlds, while occupying the position of a detached observer.
Artists and Works:
Lea Albaugh, First Person Platformer
Arkane Kids, Zineth
Luis Hernandez, Void One
Cyril Lecomte-Languerand, Tiles of Symphonia
Ed Key & David Kanaga, Proteus
Alan Kwan, Bad Trip
Alex Myers & Jeff Thompson, You Have been Blinded and Thrown into a Dungeon
Axel Shokk, Trip
Bill Viola & Tracy Fullerton, The Night Journey